Amersian Experience​

The Peak of Amerasian Births


In the middle of  Korean War, there was an enormous amount of children being born between US men and Korean women. The majority of the men were US servicemen. The kids between them are refereed to as “Amerasian”. The congressional legislation in the 1980s indicated  that term means “children of women of specified Asian nations  and American men who were born during a certain time period. More generally, however, the term is often used colloquially to describe children of non-Asian U.S. citizens and Asian nationals”. (R.C. Lutz, 2017). Japanese, Vietnamese, Pilipino, and Chinese women are included in this interracial marriage. When we refer to Amerasians on this website, we will be refering exclusively to Korean Amerasians born from US servicemen and Korean women.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of Amerasian children were abandoned and faced discrimination as mixed race orphans in a country that strongly values a homogeneous society. The expert specialized in Korean American Timothy Lim said, The  ill  treatment of Amerasians was, as Mary Lee and others have argued, exacerbated by a patriarchal and hyper-masculine sense of national identity: Amerasian  children were associated with the “shame” and “humiliation” of dominant  Western power conquering and abusing Korean women for sexual pleasure” (Timothy,  2009).As a result of this stereotype, the amerasian children were treated as if they were aliens, such as being bullied at school in Korea. On top of that, older generations of Koreans considered Amerasian children to be foreign enemies and had harsh feelings about the foreign domination of Korea.

Unexpcted Blame Against Amerasian

Because Amerasians seemed to be viewed in a negative way, we wanted to explore some of the more positive aspects of their existence. Despite the many harsh conditions and feelings they experienced, some of the Korean Amerisians made efforts to create the better society for future Korean Americans. Though they faced many heartbreaking incidents throughout their lives, the presence of them caused a positive impact on Korean American community including becoming a catalyst for transnational adoption for Korean Americans and important Korean amerasian people who have aided the community with programs aimed at helping Korean adoptees find their biological families, assisting Korean Americans in becoming more familiar with the home country and culture, as well as raising awareness about biracial discrimination.

Amerasian's Innovation